Brian Richards Presents:

The Wavelength

Our founder's blog. Ruminations about sauna, light, electromagnetism, wellness and the inner pharmacy of the human being.

Methylene Blue & The Brain: Unlocking Cognitive Superpowers

Methylene Blue & The Brain: Unlocking Cognitive Superpowers

We are so excited to continue our Methylene Blue Magic series with a spotlight on methylene blue’s role in cognitive health. Many of our customers ask us what supplements will...

The Untold Story of Methylene Blue: From Dye to Mitochondrial Supercharger

The Untold Story of Methylene Blue: From Dye to Mitochondrial Supercharger

You’ve probably been seeing methylene blue on social media for a while now — the blue tongues, the vivid swirl in water — and you’ve probably been intrigued and confused...

Embracing the Warmth: How Red Light Enhances Mood and Mental Well-Being

Embracing the Warmth: How Red Light Enhances Mood and Mental Well-Being

Winter casts long shadows, not just over the landscape but often over our mental health as well. While the frosty season invites coziness and reflection, it also brings shorter days,...

The Glow Infrared Therapy Light: Your Daily Companion for Light and Warmth

The Glow Infrared Therapy Light: Your Daily Companion for Light and Warmth

In the depths of winter, when the sun seems like a distant memory and darkness overstays its welcome, light takes on an entirely new significance. It becomes more than just...

Meet the PureLayer Collection: The Ultimate Sauna Upgrade

Meet the PureLayer Collection: The Ultimate Sauna Upgrade

Today, we invite you to take a peek behind the (sauna) curtain and learn about our newly released PureLayer Collection. Towels just weren’t cutting it – so we crafted a...

Could Near Infrared Saunas Be The Best Thing For Your Skin?

Could Near Infrared Saunas Be The Best Thing For Your Skin?

The Skin Human skin is truly an incredible organ and is the epitome of multitasking. The skin holds us in and provides a physical barrier against injury and infection. The...

Cellulite Reduction with Near Infrared (NIR) Sauna Use

Cellulite Reduction with Near Infrared (NIR) Sauna Use

What is Cellulite? Cellulite refers to a specific appearance of subcutaneous fat accumulation. Small connective tissue fibers that connect the skin to deeper tissue are not able to stretch. When...