Boca Zen
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Clear the biofilm, detox your mouth and activate your vagus nerve and throat chakra with this! Also great to clear out residual taste from the mouth after a meal.
Manufacturer Description
Boca Zen is a powerful supplement that takes care of your oral health and mental health at the same time. Keeps your teeth healthy, calms the mind, strengthens the vagal tone, reduces stress, and protects the gums from inflammation.
Regular use of Boca Zen activates the vagus nerve and regular activation of the vagus nerve can support a strengthening of vagal tone.
Dosage and Storage Instructions
Do not use if you are sensitive to any of the ingredients in Boca Zen.
Place 2 drops to 1/2 dropper full into your mouth and use your tongue to move the oil all around your gums. A burning sensation is normal and lasts for about 1-3 minutes.
The burning sensation activates the vagus nerve and provides a calm and relaxed feeling. Regular use of Boca Zen activates the vagus nerve and regular activation of the vagus nerve can strengthen the vagal tone.
Serving size: 2 drops to 1 dropper
Dilution Note
If it is too strong, dilute Boca Zen by pouring 1/2 out into a cup & adding organic MCT oil to increase the volume of the Boca Zen.
Organic Essential Oils: Oregano, Copaiba, Moringa, Red Thyme, Clove, Ginger, Cinnamon, Fennel
Natural Terpenes: Linalool, Myrcene, Alpha Phellandrene
Organic Stevia Leaf Oil
Organic MCT Coconut Oil
Oxytocin 24 IU
Consult your licensed health care provider before use.