[TABLE] Outshining the Competition

Benefits FireLight® Sauna


Far Infrared
Emitter Sauna

LED Light

Therapy Panel

Detoxification 3 2 2 1
Skin Rejuvenation 3 1 1 2
Pain Relief 3 1 1 2
Weight Loss 3 2 2 0
Longevity 3 3 3 0
Stress Reduction 3 X X X
Immunity Boosting 3 2 2 2
Mental Performance 3 2 2 2
Athletic Performance 3 2 2 2
Mood Enhancement 3 2 2 2
Better Sleep 3 2 2 1
Features FireLight® Sauna Traditional
Far Infrared
Emitter Sauna
LED Light
Therapy Panel
Portable 3 0 1 3
Easy set-up 3 0 0 2
Fast and Efficient Experience 3 0 0 2
Comfortable 3 1 1 2
Full-body experience 3 3 3 0
EMF shielded 3 0 0 0
Clean, eco-friendly materials 3 2 1 0
No preheating needed 3 0 0 3
Meditative design / feng shui 3 1 1 0
Grounded 3 0 0 0
Made in USA 3 0 0 0
Plug and play (no special outlets) 3 0 1 3
Full-spectrum customer care 3 0 0 0
Free 20-minute medical consultation 3 0 0 0